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parku kombetar bredhi i hotoves


Gjirokaster offers a glimpse into ancient times, with its enchanting citadel and old market. Known as the city of stone, it features narrow limestone streets that are a sight to behold. The surrounding countryside boasts beautiful landscapes, including two archeological parks: Antigonea, founded by Pyrros of Epirus, and Adrianople, built in the 2nd century AD by order of Emperor Hadrian of the Roman Empire. During your visit, you'll have the opportunity to explore the castle, old market, church of the cross in Labove, and more.

Permet, a charming city in southern Albania, is a must-see destination. Locals often say that it has everything except the sea. With its stunning natural beauty and cultural landmarks, it's easy to see why. During your stay, you can discover the old village of Bual, Frasher, and the Benje thermal waters. For the adventurous traveler, there's horse trekking and rafting in the Vjosa river, while those seeking a more tranquil experience can visit the tekke of Ali Postivan or the national park of Fir of Hotova.

Tirana Stadium

Day 1

Meeting in Tirana/Airport 

Depending on arrival , pick up from the airport and accommodation in the  hotel, a walk around city center , then lunch at  Tirana Castle

Day 2

Exploring the Capital 

  •  08 : 00  After having breakfast will do a tour of the city and a visit to the National museum of Tirana

  • 11 :00  Visit in the House of Leafs or Bunkart which are museum dedicated to communist era

  • 13 : 30  Lunch in the restaurants on top Mount Dajti

  • 15 : 30 Returning to the hotel and rest

  • 17 : 30 Visit in the castle of Petrele and coffee break

  • 19 : 30 Touring key points in the city

  • 21 : 00 Dinner

Tirana University
Antique Bridge Gjirokaster

Day 3

Explore Gjirokastra 

  • 08 : 00  Departure for Gjirokaster 

  • 10 : 00 Visit of the archaeological park of Apollonia 

  • 13 : 00 Lunch in Gjirokaster 

  • 15 : 00 Check in at the hotel plus rest 

  • 17 : 30 Visit at the castle

  • 19 : 00 tour of the old market 

  • 21 : 00 Dinner

Day 4


  • 08 : 00  Departure to the historic bridge of Nivan

  • 10 : 00 arrival at nivan bridge plus rest 

  • 12 : 00 visit at the archaeological park of Antigonea

  • 14 :00 Lunch in Gjirokaster 

  • 16 : 00 Rest in the hotel 

  • 18 : 30 Visit at the church in Labova e kryqit 

  • 20 : 00 Walking in  Gjirokaster 

  • 21 : 00 Dinner

Archeological Park Adrianopoje
Vjosa Rafting

Day 5

Permet/Vjosa River

  • 08 :00 Departure to Permet
    09 : 15 Visit in the village of Bual
    10 : 15 horse trekking 
    13 : 00  Lunch 
    15 : 00 Check in at the hotel 
    17 : 30 Rafting in Vjosa river 
    20 : 00 Walking in Permet 
    21 : 00 Dinner

Day 6


  • 08 : 00 Departure to hot springs of Benje through Ogren village

  • 11 : 00 Bathing at the hot springs

  • 13 : 00 Lunch

  • 15 : 00 Rest at the hotel

  • 17 : 30 Visit of Ali Postivan tekke

  • 19 : 00 Visit of the village of Leuse 

  • 21 : 00 Dinner

Benje Thermal Baths

Day 7

Back to Tirana

  • 08:  00 Departure to Tirana airport 

  • 10 : 00 Coffee break 

  • 12 : 00 Arrival at the airport

More activities depending on departure time

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